Team Management Solution for Telecommunication companies

Improve your company's management with efficient control of external tasks.


get to know Field Control

Material Control

Material Control

Having a stock of materials used on a daily basis is very important for service providers, but it is useless if there is no effective control over what is withdrawn and what for. The automatic update helps to be prepared for tasks and ensures replacement of materials.

Control of Employees

Control of Employees

Fast service based on each employee's location. Create a work order to the nearest employee ensures agility in getting to the customer, and then problems are solved more quickly. Not to mention the fuel economy! Imagine calling an employee who is on the other side of the city!

Information Record

Information Record

Is there a good stock of frequently exchanged equipments in your company? Knowing what was changed just-in-time, especially with the customer on the line, ensures an agile service and that last-minute repairs won't be impeded due to lack of control and stock of equipment.



The tools are integrated and updated in real time. Work order, schedule, location of employees, material control, customer rating. All data are compiled in a report for the manager, enabling Analysis and productivity monitoring.

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