Team Management Solution for Electronic Security companies

Improve your company's management with efficient control of external tasks.

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get to know Field Control

Photo Forms

Photo Forms

Inserting photos of equipment and parts exchanged not only proves that the service was done, but also helps to study prevention and upcoming maintenance. Have your own model, according to the needs and actions performed by your team and study productivity and most performed tasks in this type of demand.

Material Control

Material Control

Knowing what you have in stock and being prepared for emergency demands makes the employee's work easier and provides fast customer service. For each item removed and included in the checklist of a visit, the record changes automatically, without the need to update and control it on a daily basis.

Equipment Control

Equipment Control

Is there a good stock of frequently exchanged equipments in your company? Knowing what was changed quickly, especially with the customer on the line, ensures a fast service and that last-minute repairs won't be impeded due to lack of control and equipment stock.

Recurrent Task management

Recurrent Task management

Are preventive maintenance services on your schedule according to your employee's skill? Avoid future errors and maintain the device's lifespan. Having recurrent tasks scheduled helps maintaining them organized without losing any of them and failing to help your customers.

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