
See our privacy policy below

When you sign up for Field Control's free trial, we collect some information, such as:

We have 2 (two) objectives when collecting this information:

The first objective is to grant access to Field Control from the registered email and password.

The second objective is having the possibility to contact you to offer help during the demonstration period.

Your information will be collected, used and treated exclusively so that the functionalities are effectively used by you and will be stored in a safe environment with restricted access, in order to preserve the privacy, honor and image of the parties directly or indirectly involved.

Your information will never be provided to any company other than Field Control, but if you still want to remove it, send an email to from the email you informed in the registration to Field Control with the subject "Delete my account" that your account will be deleted along with all your data.

If you want to stop receiving future communication, simply send an email to from the email that you informed in the registration to Field Control with the subject "Do not contact" .

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